Jarama Mama: Sergio’s Close Encounter with the F4 Spanish Championship


All photos are courtesy of Sergio Álvarez.

The only reason why one might come to Jarama is obviously because of John Hugenholtz. The picturesque, flowing old-school circuit surrounded by “fields full of grain” Spanish countryside (from which, it seems, Don Quixote emerges in the afternoon’s scorching heat – or is it sherry playing tricks on us?) personifies Europe’s Golden Era of Formula 1 racing. You can simply google it, the circuit. No need to for us to wax lyrical about its illustruous past.

Because the subject of today’s post has more to do with present times. F4 Spanish Championship, to be precise.

It’s a nice little championship this, it’s quite recent, however a lot of past drivers have gone on to better things internationally (Christian Lundgaard, Marta García, Franco Colapinto, Richard Verschoor, to name a few). Some teams competing in 2024 will ring a bell: Rodin, MP Motorsport, Campos, MONLAU MOTORSPORT (with Van Amersfoort Racing stickers all over the place). It’s a solid line-up, for sure.

This is what went down in Jarama. We’ll have some exclusive quotes for y’all later on.

Keep racing meanwhile.

Our eagle-eyed (bot) readers will undoubtedly spot some famous second gen names on the leaderboard.

Watch this video to spot Sergio
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