Nuestra Charla: Not Guilty Feet They Got the Rhythm

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F1 Academy, it’s a bit of a conundrum, isn’t it? Just as we were getting used to the W Series’ traditional racing pink and Jamie Chadwick’s utter domination, out of nowhere (well, not really because motorsport, besides being dangerous, is also dangerously expensive!) this new beast has arrived on F1’s support bill.

Arguably, W Series featured a stronger driver line-up, but it’s marginal. The way I see it, F1 Academy’s inaugural champ, Marta GARCIA, should’ve won prize money to compete in the GP3-based FIA F3 and not Freca (FORMULA REGIONAL BY ALPINE). It makes more sense, if you think about it. I’m not even going to mention her position in the current Freca standings, I’ll only say this: she’s a little bit behind the P4 man, Brando Badoer. Yes, that Badoer.

Chadwick, on the other hand, it’s a different story altogether.

Jamie P1

A lot of it obviously has to do with the FIA’s 21st century image. After decades of ‘Allo ‘Allo-esque presidents in charge (talk about “The best decision is my decision!” classic Balestre line), they finally got a soap opera president in Jean Todt and change-the-world Bono-type character in Ben Sulayem, all you need is love, yacketty yack. I kind of fancied Mosley’s lip service tactics; the world has moved on since 2009 and not many will remember his legacy quarter of a century after the fact.

F1, despite all its growth and mighty franchise talk, is staring down the barrel of the FIFA Women’s World Cup equivalent for F1 Academy graduates. 10 teams and no Andretti, what are you gonna do? You won’t hear Bruno Famin citing Abbi Pulling as a potential candidate for one (two?) of Alpine’s vacant F1 seats, will you?

I’ve been trying to seriously immerse myself into all things F1 Academy lately and I came to the only possible conclusion that they’re pitching it as a lifestyle exercise, Spice Girls’ wheel reinvented. Fast, ambitious, rebellious, hungry for success, yet woke-conscious girls touring the world’s most famous circuits, aiming to take on and race against Max Verstappen one fine day (and win?).

The only way this works is providing equal opportunities for everyone wanting to be a part of motor racing because there are some genuinely fast heavy-footed pedallers out there. On that level, I think it’s great. Although we’ll all agree that money talks louder than talent.

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